Well, a bit of one at least. I started this last night. I wasn't planning on it going for long but it ended up changing directions and now there is no end in sight. Perhaps I'll actually finish this one. Not likely, but it is summer so I don't have much else to work on, and it is already longer than anything else I've written. It would be cool if I could complete something. Anyway, here's a bit of what I've got so far.
It took him longer than it should have to realize that the strange grumbling sound was coming from his own stomach. It was nearly three PM and he had yet to eat, but he couldn't seem to pry himself from the soft grass and the warm sun. It was a beautiful day and he wanted nothing but to let the soft breeze carry him away with the clouds. He lay there watching the images drift across the sky high above him. A squirrel running from a dinosaur, a school of fish swimming through the endless blue sea, an airship that he could only assume was carrying a crew of intrepid sky pirates. He would have gladly joined them on their adventures, had they been made of something more stable than cloud.
Stability. . .
He could no longer ignore the complaints of his stomach. It was threatening to turn itself inside out if not fed soon so he finally forced himself to go in search of something at least pretending to be edible. He was disappointed however to discover that both the fridge and the freezer were barren. He opened the pantry, hoping for something, anything, but was greeted by an overwhelming emptiness. Well then, now what? He thought. He stood in the kitchen staring at the floor, wondering where he might obtain food, or perhaps the money to purchase food. He thrust his hands into his pockets, hoping that perhaps some coins had magically appeared but there was nothing. He dug in the sofa cushions and searched every corner of the run down apartment but found nothing save a few pennies and what may have at one time been a peanut butter sandwich. He was quite hungry, and strongly considered it, but decided that it's place was in the trash bin, not his stomach.
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